OK To Take Viagra Every Day

Viagra is used to overcome erection difficulties in males. It helps get stronger erections in the presence of sexual arousal. It contains an active ingredient that triggers action and restores the erection function. 

Viagra comes in the form of pills, with three different doses, which are 25 mg, 50 mg, and 100 mg. It can be taken only once in 24 hours. And yes, it can be taken daily. Make sure you use a single pill of Viagra every day.

Do not take it if you do not need it. It can generally be taken around 30 to 45 minutes before a planned sexual activity. However, you should always follow your healthcare provider’s guidelines on dosage and consumption.   

Active component of Viagra

Sildenafil Citrate is the active component of Viagra. It belongs under phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor medicines. They work by inhibiting the action of PDE5 enzymes.

This component is clinically proven for its effectiveness in causing vasodilation in the body. Vasodilation is the expansion of the narrowed blood vessels. It increases the blood circulation to the penile arteries and throughout the body.  

Sildenafil is a generic version of Viagra. There are several ED medicines out there in the market that contain the same active ingredient as Viagra. Malegra is one such effective medicine that can improve the erection function.

How does Viagra work?

Viagra action efficiently blocks the PDE5 enzyme activity in the arterial walls. It triggers the release of a chemical known as Nitric oxide in the penile artery walls. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator chemical. It dilates the arteries and increases the supply of blood to the penile.

Vasodilation enhances the relaxation of the arteries. In turn, the blood flow happens with ease. An increase in the blood flow in the penile promotes stronger erections. Thus, Viagra overcomes impotence issues.

Are there any other benefits of using Viagra daily?

According to some sources, daily use of Viagra can be beneficial. The benefits include:

Prevents ED progression: Erectile dysfunction happens because of the narrowing of the penile arteries. The narrowing limits the blood flow to the penile. However, regular use of Viagra can continue the blood supply to the penile.

The effect of Viagra keeps the blood vessels dilated. In this way, the worsening or the progression of ED will be prevented.

Enhances arterial health: Daily intake of this pill can keep the arteries functioning very well. It increases the nitric oxide levels in the artery walls, which enhances their health. The effects of Viagra keep the arteries in optimal condition. 

Improves ability to urinate: As men become older, they may face some issues while urinating. This may result because of the size of the prostate gland. It grows larger with age.

Viagra may improve your ability to urinate by relaxing the walls of the prostate. Just like the penile contains many arteries, prostrate walls also have tiny arteries. Their relaxation eases urination.

Restores sexual confidence: Men with ED may feel sexually distressed. An inability to experience sexual satisfaction can lower their esteem. However, the effect of Viagra restores their ability to get firmer erections. As a result, their sexual confidence improves.

How to take Viagra?

  • It comes in the form of tablets or pills. A single pill has to be taken about 30 minutes to an hour before you plan to have sex.
  • The pill must be taken with some water.
  • Make sure you swallow the pill without breaking, crushing, or chewing it.
  • Making any changes to the pill can reduce its effectiveness, so, swallow the pill as a whole.
  • The pill must not be taken immediately before or after a meal. This will delay the effects of the pill, which will not obtain the required benefits.

Interactions you need to avoid

Avoid using Viagra if already using nitrate-based drugs for chest pain or heart-related problems, including nitroglycerin, Isosorbide dinitrate, etc. Some recreational medicines like Poppers must be avoided as well. Their combination can cause a synergistic drop in blood pressure which can potentiate health risks.

Several other drugs such as diuretics, antifungals, HIV protease inhibitors, chemotherapy drugs, and medications for an autoimmune system can produce life-threatening effects after combination with Viagra. 

The lowdown

Viagra is suitable for daily use. But one must not exceed more than a single pill once a day. A single pill of Viagra can be taken once a day, that is within 24 hours timeframe. Its effectiveness may range between 2 to 5 hours depending on the dose

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